How does our 100% Product Satisfaction Guarantee work?
If you don’t LOVE your MDC Stirrups, you get your money back. Simply return your stirrups in a clean condition for a full refund of the purchase price. You are only responsible for the shipping to and from MDC. Our 100% Product Satisfaction Guarantee takes the risk out of your purchase and insures that you will be completely happy with your MDC Stirrups™. Guarantee applies when you make your purchase directly with MDC Stirrups or participating vendors. Consult with your vendor for their guaranteed policy when making your purchase
What is MDC’s Free Trial Ride?
We want you to be sure that you are making a good purchase. Towards that goal, we offer the MDC Free Trial Ride. Secure your order with a credit card and have your MDC Stirrups™ sent to your location for a trial ride. Take a week or more; you are only responsible for the return shipping. You can return or exchange any items bought from MDC. If you are not sure which model of MDC Stirrups™ are best suited for you and your riding discipline, please call MDC direct at 831-393-0588, California time for a personal consultation. Please do not order multiple stirrups for a comparitive basis before contacting MDC’s inventor, Martin Cohen prior to your purchase, as he may be able to further refine your stirrup needs. Should you need to return your stirrups, we ask that they are returned clean and with all the packaging. If you don’t LOVE your MDC Stirrups™, you get your money back. That is our guarantee to you!!
Tell me about the MDC Personal Consultation.
Call MDC at 831-393-0588 (California Time) and speak directly to the inventor, Martin D Cohen, to discuss your personal stirrup needs. I am happy to discuss the features of all our models and work towards finding the right MDC Stirrup™ for you and your riding needs. We also want be sure you have the correct stirrup size for your ultimate comfort, performance and safety.
Will my MDC Stirrups™ turn while I am riding?
Under normal riding conditions, the answer is “No.” MDC Stirrups™ have been designed to require positive pressure from above and below to turn the mechanism. You need two hands held apart to turn your stirrups into your preferred angle. With only the stirrup leather above the iron while riding, there is no focus point above to apply pressure to the stirrup, so it will not turn while riding.
What is the preferred angle for use of my MDC Stirrups™?
MDC Stirrups™ provide three options for your riding performance and comfort: the traditional angle, 45 degrees and 90 degrees. Most riders find the 45 degree setting the most comfortable and versatile. Each rider should experiment with the angles to see what works best for them. Some riders chose 45 degrees for one leg and 90 degrees for their other leg. Some riders change the angle based upon the shape of the barrel of the horse they are riding; thus changing the angle with each horse. Although 45 degrees seems to be the most popular angle, MDC provides multiple options for your riding pleasure. Of course, our traditional angle setting allows you to ‘run up’ your stirrups when not in use. No other stirrup in the world offers these options.
How do I clean my MDC Stirrups™?
Basic cleaning of your MDC Stirrups™ is the same as you would with any other stirrup. MDC Stirrups™ utilize a simple mechanism being used in a dirty environment. If your stirrups turn with any roughness, simply spray WD-40 at the upper seam and /or in the drain holes under the mechanism. Turn the top to the left and right four or five turns. If the mechanism is very tight due to debris in the mechanism, place a screw driver through and across the opening for the stirrup leather for extra leverage. Your stirrups will be clean, lubricated and as good as new.
How do MDC Stirrups™ release pain in the ankles, knees, hips and back?
Many stirrups claim that they release pressure on the ankles, knees, hips and back but do not explain how this happens. MDC Stirrups® are truly more comfortable due to the fact that “These Stirrups Come To You and Not You To Them.” Our patented adjustable top allows your stirrups to release pressure in the vertical plane at the angle of your choosing, either 45 or 90 degrees. With our 45 degree setting, the pressure across your shin is reduced by half, thus reducing painful leg burns. Our 90 degree setting completely eliminates any leather pressure across the shin. The release of pressure in the vertical plane allows your leg to take a more natural position and eliminates unneccesary pressure in the leg. Our multi-point flexible sides further allow pressure in the joints to be relieved in the horizontal plane. Our stirrups have proven to be the answer to your leg pain issues. Anyone with any stiffness or previous injuries will immediately feel this release of pressure and elimination or reduction of pain, often in one ride!! MDC Stirrups has been successful with riders who have had knee and or hip replacements! Please review our endorsement and testimonial pages for first hand reports of our proven pain relief.
With our Free Trial Ride Program and our 100% Money Back Guarantee, you owe it to yourself to be free of your riding pain.
Can MDC Stirrups™ relieve the pain in my feet?
Our ultra-low profile, wide aluminum treads provide a greater surface area for your foot, thus reducing hot spots. Many riders find an immediate relief of long tolerated foot pain. You have nothing to lose but your pain. If our stirrups do not meet your needs, you may return them.
How do MDC Stirrups™ provide a better base of support?
Try watching a flat class from the top of the ring. Every rider carries his or her irons at different angles across each foot. The MDC Stirrups® will tend to be in the same angle on each foot. When you begin to feel equal angulation and equal pressure coming through the balls of the feet, you will gain a newfound sense of balance and a stronger sense of your base of support. Our ultra-low profile, wide aluminum treads further increases your base of support by providing more area to support your ride. Imagine standing on the narrow end of a 2” by 4” piece of lumber. Now imagine standing on the wide side of that same board. It is obvious that the wider side will be more supportive, provide more traction due to the increased number of traction surfaces and be more comfortable. Our wide tread design is like wearing loafers versus high heels. Even though our wide stirrups are wider front to back than standard stirrups, they are actually thinner than traditional stirrups. You will be riding on a more secure platform, but the judge will be seeing less stirrup.
Stirrup Sizing Chart. Please Consult Before Purchasing.
Stirrup measurements are taken from the inside branch of the stirrup across the tread to the other inside branch. Stirrups that are too small are more difficult to retrieve and may not release your foot easily during a fall.
MDC Stirrups™ are true sized. We have taken into account the rubber sleeves and create a true opening of either 4 ¼”, 4 ½”, 4 ¾” or 5” unlike other hinged products whose openings are smaller than advertised. MDC’s patented design allows for more escape room from the top of the tread to the top of the inner stirrup arch. Modern stirrups are taller than they are wider. This increased area allows for more ease in escaping a stirrup during a fall than designs with less clearance area.
Are MDC Stirrups™ legal for competitive riding?
Absolutely!! MDC Stirrups™ have been the most popular singular brand of stirrups for the US Olympic Teams in all three riding disciplines for the past four Olympic Games. MDC is legal in all riding disciples including hunter, jumpers, equitation, dressage, endurance riding, Arabian, AQHA, gaited horses, Fox Hunting, Polo or just leisurely riding on the trail.
Are MDC Stirrups™ safer than other stirrups?
MDC Stirrups™ are safer than many other stirrups due to their tendency to stay open to the horse’s sides when lost. Stirrups tend to return to their natural position flat against the horse’s side when released. There is no practical purpose for your stirrups to lay flat against the horse’s side. In fact, this inherent tendency is a primary cause for being caught during a fall or for being unable to retrieve a lost iron. Since MDC Stirrups™ tend to stay open to the horse’s side at 45 degrees, and more so at 90 degrees, our stirrups give you a needed advantage in stirrup retrieval and safety.
Do MDC Stirrups™ have a front and rear?
Your stirrups also have a front and rear. The front of your stirrup is flat and says “MDC Sport”. The rear of your stirrup has a high traction 45° pick up ramp for improved stirrup retrieval and for added security when riding ‘home’ in your irons.
How do I install MDC ‘S’ Model Stirrups™ the first time?
The ‘S’ Models have a designated right and left stirrup. Please look under the tread to see which is your right and left stirrup. You can also differentiate the stirrups as the metal takes a right turn at the top for the right stirrup and a left turn for the left stirrup. Your stirrups also have a front and rear. The front of your stirrup is flat and says “MDC Sport” . The rear of your stirrup has a high-traction, 45 degree pick up ramp for improved stirrup retrieval and for added security when riding ‘home’ in your irons. It is important that your leathers are properly placed on your stirrups. Please click here for installation instructions.
Installation for 2 Bolt Attachment
Older models use 2 bolts. Click here for installation instructions.
Installation for 4 Pin Attachement
Newer models use 4 small pins. Click here for installation instructions.